机场接送迪拜国际机场 (DXB)

default value!

Business Van

为什么要等待很长,不可靠的出租车或浪费时间试图导航陌生的公共交通系统? 您的 迪拜国际(DXB)机场接送司机将在那里接您的行李领取,乐意协助您处理您的行李,并回答您可能对您的旅程有任何疑问。所有司机都具备当地知识,并致力于维护最高标准的专业精神和自由裁量权。使用 Blacklane 豪华轿车服务,您不必担心在重要会议之前或从长途飞行降落后获得您需要放松的隐私。旅行与一个大的派对? 布莱克兰的商务货车可以处理它。有特定的汽车尺寸或类别偏好? 没问题
为什么要等待很长,不可靠的出租车或浪费时间试图导航陌生的公共交通系统? 您的 机场接送司机将在迪拜国际(DXB)行李领取接您,乐意协助您处理您的行李,并回答您可能对您的旅程有任何疑问。所有司机都具备当地知识,并致力于维护最高标准的专业精神和自由裁量权。随着 Blacklane 私家专车服务在迪拜,您不必担心在重要会议之前或从长途飞行降落后获得您需要放松的隐私。旅行与一个大的派对? 布莱克兰的商务货车可以处理它。有特定的汽车尺寸或类别偏好? 没问题

使用 Blacklane 预订快速、简单,并根据您的需求量身定制。您可以通过我们的无障碍网站进行在线预订,如果您在旅途中,通过我们的应用程序从智能您的机进行预订。费用预先计算,因此您可以避免任何不良意外或隐藏费用。请记住,Blacklane 还提供 迪拜司机服务,如果您的在逗留期间需要一个。我们的专业司机可以预订单程旅行,或者,如果您希望司机带您周围城市的一些景点,并在您访问时等待随叫随时随地等待。只是 Blacklane 在这里提供帮助的另一种方式,无论你可能会发现自己在世界上的哪个地方。
Frequently Asked Questions
How to transfer from Dubai Airport?
How to transfer from Dubai Airport?
Getting a Dubai airport transfer is quite simple — the airport is located close to the city center, taking approximately 15 minutes from the airport to the Burj Khalifa. If you’ve pre-booked your transfer, your driver will meet you after Baggage Claim. The city’s metro service will also do the same journey in 33 minutes or so.
Is a Dubai taxi expensive?
Is a Dubai taxi expensive?
Relative to most of the rest of the world, Dubai’s taxis tend to be less expensive. This is because their rates tend to be controlled by the state, and are made up of a base fare, a per kilometer fare, and other factors such as district.
Is it worth booking an airport transfer?
Is it worth booking an airport transfer?
Booking a Dubai airport transfer in advance is typically a no-brainer, for several reasons — a set fee paid in advance and flight tracking being two of the major ones. With Blacklane’s DUB airport service, not having to worry about hidden costs, gratuity and tips (as they’re included) takes away any headaches after a long trip, and your chauffeur’s ability to track when your flight arrives and adjust their timing accordingly reduces stress if there are delays.
Are luxury goods cheaper at Dubai airport?
Are luxury goods cheaper at Dubai airport?
This depends on the country that you are flying back into. As we explain in detail in our Duty Free Shopping Guide, quite often you will be able to buy luxury goods cheaper in Dubai Airport, but will be subject to customs and excise charges on those purchases once you arrive back at your home country. However, there are different limitations and exemptions for various countries and types of purchase, so do your research before you buy.
Do I tip in Dubai?
Do I tip in Dubai?
To put it simply, in Dubai tipping isn’t expected of you, but any tips are welcomed. Traveling with Blacklane, tips and gratuity are already included in your upfront payment, so there’s no need to worry about how much and in what form to tip your driver.