
default value!
如果你正在寻找一个历史悠久的城市,那么罗马 3000 年历史的建筑很难击败。在空调舒适的旅行,你访问无处不在从万神殿,特雷维喷泉,西斯廷教堂,和罗马斗兽场 Blacklane 专车服务。罗马的皇帝被称为在他们的马拉战车抵达后转头,所以,它是有道理的,你通过拉到您的的酒店在我们的 时尚和时尚的豪华轿车之一继续这一传统。我们的专车服务可以按小时预订单程,或作为机场专车服务,白天和黑夜提供。我们的当地,讲英语的司机团队随时准备好,等待您舒适地带到您的下一个目的地。

Blacklane 的专车服务提供了一切罗马在文化和建筑方面提供的可能性,而不必在城市臭名昭著的混乱街道上导航。我们的车车型由三个类别组成:商务车型,非常适合按小时租用,当您需要在短时间内访问多个地点,大型商务车/SUV,我们的专车服务方案,非常适合往返机场的大型团体,和豪华车型,当您想到达绝对风格的罗马众多高档餐厅和酒吧之一。您的 值得信赖的罗马司机服务可以通过我们的 Android 和 iOS 智能手机应用程序轻松安全地预订,或通过我们的网站在线预订。我们所有的价格都是在预订时预先确定的,并且是全包的,这意味着完全无现金的旅程-在罗马的完美专车服务。
罗马机场接送到 FCO
意大利首都罗马欢迎商人和游客。随着大多数游客通过达芬奇弗卢米奇诺国际机场(FCO)和罗马克兰皮诺机场(CIA)抵达,这意味着漫长的,耗尽的等待时间的出租车。由于这两个机场都远离市中心,预订 高效的罗马 Fiumicino 机场专车服务作为您的专车服务方案。我们的豪华黑色轿车服务提供从机场到您的住宿的高级协助,我们的专业司机等待您的到来与个接机牌和舒适的豪华黑色轿车。无需担心匆忙完成移民和行李领取;我们的私人机场接送包括 60 分钟的免费等待时间。

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it worth having a car in Rome?
Is it worth having a car in Rome?
Because of its famously erratic drivers, confusing street layout, and the number of traffic jams that can form, it’s not advisable to drive a car in Rome city center. Instead, using a Rome car service means that you’re leaving all of that to an experienced professional. Blacklane’s Roman chauffeurs have decades of experience at the wheel in the Eternal City, meaning that all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights.
Is there a metro from Rome airport to the city center?
Is there a metro from Rome airport to the city center?
The Leonardo Express train travels from Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO) to the main Termini train station in the city center. It takes 32 minutes and costs €14 per person each way. The city’s two metro lines A and B stop at Termini station. By car the same trip takes approximately 36 minutes. There is no direct metro from Rome Ciampino Airport (CIA) into the city center either. Instead passengers can take the Ciampino Airlink bus and then a train, or a bus the entire way, which is about 42 minutes to Termini. With a car service in Rome the journey is only 32 minutes.
Do you tip taxi drivers in Rome?
Do you tip taxi drivers in Rome?
Tipping taxi drivers in Rome depends on a number of factors, but in general it’s customary to round up the bill to the nearest euro or so. With a regular taxi, it’s common to tip if the journey was long, or if the driver helped you with your luggage. With Blacklane’s Rome car service you won't need to worry about that or carrying cash – tips are included in the price you pay beforehand, and handling your baggage is part of the experience of hiring a professional chauffeur.