Tom Grover, European VSP, Smith & Nephew
✓ 在 50 多个国家/地区提供服务
✓ 司机技术熟练并且说英语
✓ 实时跟踪和通知
✓ 现代化车队,为您提供专业高效的旅行
✓ 一站式平台,轻松预订
✓ 自动开票,便于管理账单
✓ 专门的支持和客户经理
✓ 为 500 多名旅客提供企业折扣和登录权限
If you're a PA/EA or corporate booker that wants to manage your executive travel with ease using a booking platform designed for your fast-paced world, then you're in luck. We've dedicated a page to you answer all your queries.
This service helps businesses globally. No more waiting for different taxis at different locations, taking crowded public transport, or finding parking for your rental car. Maximize your productivity with our by-the-hour service.
Learn more about our biggest finance round yet.
Take a peek into how our 2024 went, and what we achieved.
Get an insight into how travel impacts productivity, backed with real data.
选择我们新的Electric Class,预定顶级电动车专属司乘服务,如捷豹 I-PACE、特斯拉 Model S 以及特斯拉 Model X。
在我们看来,电动汽车很快将成为标配,这也是为什么电动车在许多城市亦已被纳入我们的Business Class和First Class。 我们目前的目标是,到 2025 年底,50% 的乘车服务都是电动的。
您可以提前几个月预订,也可以在需要时提前 60 分钟预订。我们建议您尽可能提前预订。 Blacklane 拥有行业内对乘客最友好的取消政策,乘客可以在接车时间前一小时之前免费取消乘车。 您也可以在接车时间前 60 分钟内更改预订。
Blacklane 在大多数地点提供四种车辆类别:商务轿车、电动类车辆、豪华轿车 及 大型商务车 /SUV。
All of Blacklane’s chauffeurs speak English and the language of the country they operate in.
Blacklane accepts Visa, Maestro, Mastercard and American Express cards. It is not possible to pay for the ride in cash. You can also pay via Paypal in the apps and Apple Pay if you are an iOS user. Paypal and Apple Pay are not currently available on the website.
Business accounts can also request to receive monthly invoices, instead of paying on a ride-by-ride basis.
Please keep in mind that all payment for your ride is set up in advance; your chauffeur is not able to accept payment on location.
See the latest information here.
Blacklane 提供电动车 (EV) 选择,将电动车纳入我们在更多城市提供的 Business Class 服务中,积极抵消碳足迹,从而促进可持续旅行。