At a Glance: Blacklane 2017
Blacklane wishes all of our customers, driver partners, family and friends a happy and healthy 2018!

We had an exciting year in 2017! Enjoy our most important moments of last year below:
Singapore office: In January, we opened our Singapore office. This team supports our Asia-Pacific operations, including the 64 APAC cities launched at the end of 2016.
Awards: Blacklane is proud to have won four awards in 2017. Thank you to everyone who voted for us. We look forward to working towards earning more awards in 2018!
Blacklane cares: Our Affiliate Management team worked on introducing additional service to our passengers with special needs. For more information visit our FAQ page. Select "Traveling with Special Needs" from the drop-down menu.
Carbon footprint: All of our rides are now green! In November, Blacklane was the first ride service to go carbon neutral, globally.
World Alliance for Efficient Solutions: Blacklane became one of the founding members of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions in November.
We are excited about 2018 and everything it brings with it. We are grateful to have you along for the ride! Make sure to keep up to date with everything that happens by following us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.